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How to Manage Ground Handling Operations & GSE With Fleet Telematics

Fleet telematics systems have revolutionized both the ground handling industry and the flightline as we know it by helping ground handlers and ground handling equipment suppliers cut costs and further enhance their safety measures. In addition, with fleet telematics, fleet management has never been more accessible to ground handling managers. Fleet telematics systems can help managers effectively run their teams through a big picture overview, allowing them the opportunity to understand the behavior of their workforce like never before.

Telematics for fleet management of the workforce is only half the story. You can also use fleet telematics systems to manage ground support equipment (GSE). If you work on the flightline, you know that downed GSE can affect your entire fleet – sometimes even causing multiple delays while ground handling managers quickly attempt to locate an operational unit. The costs can add up quickly: flight delays cost airlines around 25 billion US dollars every year.

Discover how fleet telematics systems work and how they can help ground handling managers around the world effectively manage their workforce and GSE for successful, profitable outcomes.

How Does a Fleet Telematics System Work?

Fleet telematics systems use state-of-the-art technology to provide ground handling managers with the big picture information they need to make critical decisions in everyday operations. Telematics fleet management systems gather information through data-loggers connected to GSE throughout the airport and transmit it to a cloud-based server via wireless communications.

An antenna on each piece of GSE transmits the stored data through a cellular or Wi-Fi network. At the same time, GPS data tracking GSE is transmitted through a separate antenna. This data (which is GPS time-stamped) is combined with data from the data-logger to provide integrated information about a fleet's location and movements. GPS data also has enhanced capabilities to set custom geo-fencing parameters through the fleet telematics system software to help regulate GSE/vehicle movement and speed within certain airport areas.

Fleet management data can be easily accessed wherever internet services are available with fleet telematics. Fleet telematics systems collect and transmit data, then process it through a proprietary software application such as EBIS Aviation Cloud Solutions. The data is then organized and presented to ground handling managers through an informational dashboard. The success of any telematics fleet management system depends on how the information is presented to the users.

Fleet telematics software also organizes real-time details and data history, displayed in various report formats so ground handling managers can give a quick analysis. When using fleet telematics system software, airport management can view informational dashboards through a desktop computer or tablet, as well as more limited form views on mobile devices. With fleet telematics systems, ground handlers and handling managers can review fleet status and GSE activity at any time wherever internet access is available.

How to Manage Your Workforce With Fleet Telematics

With telematics fleet management systems, managers gain the ability to know and see the actions of ground handlers and the GSE they operate both remotely and in real-time. With a complete history of logs available for every piece of equipment on the flightline, managers can bring many improvements to ground support operations. Digital data provided by telematics fleet management systems can give a more accurate view of each ground handler on the workforce through time logs, speed records and impact reports.

With the EBIS Aviation Fleet Telematics System, ground handling managers can get the complete picture of their workforce, allowing them to manage ground handlers by:

  • Controlling who is authorized to operate each class of ground support equipment through ID card readers
  • Enforcing safety checks in real-time with an electronic check requirement before GSE will turn on
  • Fostering better operational safety of GSE, such as aircraft towing and taxiing equipment, along with optimizing fuel efficiency by tracking vehicle speeds, movements and idle times
  • Using logged data to recognize good performance and reward ground handlers for safe operating behavior and complying with operational requirements

How Can My Fleet Telematics System Help Reduce GSE Downtime?

Using telematics fleet management software, managers also have a chance at reducing downtime that seems to plague GSE. While fleet telematics is commonly used to keep an eye out on the workforce, the software also includes many features which can help ground handlers avoid any aircraft or GSE downtime. This includes:

  • Avoiding unscheduled repairs by tracking and monitoring GSE usage-hours and preventive maintenance alerts to prevent unexpected part failure
  • Limiting unnecessary driver idling times on the flightline, which can shorten the lifetime of GSE or cause unexpected malfunctions
  • Tracking fuel consumption to ensure ground handlers never unexpectedly run out of fuel while on the job

Shop Telematics for Fleet Management at Tronair Today

GSE and vehicle telematics systems have given ground handling managers the ability to identify areas needing improvement or drivers needing additional training with ease. The addition of a fleet telematics system in an airport can help raise safety standards, protect the morale of an entire workforce and eliminate unnecessary downtime to increase your bottom line. At Tronair, we understand the pressing need for immediate support and greater oversight in your daily operations. The EBIS Aviation Fleet Telematics System is a trusted solution that can help ground handling managers keep their day-to-day operations in order like never before. Shop Tronair, your ground handling equipment supplier, for a total fleet telematics system today. If you're in need of additional information, please contact us. The team of experts at Tronair is always standing by and ready to help.

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